The Age of Learning staff having a casual meeting. All photos in this section were taken by me.
I was the second UX designer at Age of Learning / As one of the first strategists on the scene, it was important to prove the practice of ux principles and demonstrate how it would benefit designers and other teams at Age of Learning. I helped establish standards for design systems, as well as internal documentation methods—from ground zero we tackled a legacy product to bring it up to speed in tremendous ways.
I focused on both consumer-centric Saas products as well as internal enterprise tools:
Enterprise Management System
Education Management System
Curriculum Management Tool
Art Activities Framework
Art Activity Tools
Child Skill Assessments
Assessment Builder Admin
Enterprise Management System
I led strategy and ux for an ambitious enterprise management system involving: Multiple User Types with varying administrative powers, Account Creation and Management (CRUD) for people as well as institutions and classrooms, Student Integration Systems (SIS) involving government regulated child-privacy and sensitive data-sets, Reporting, License Distribution & Tracking and so much more. The complexity and edge cases that continued to arise were vast and varied (which I’m happy to share more to in person). The development of this product took on multiple phases and workflow types and so it was ongoing during my time at Age of Learning.
A few screens from the mvp project; For more info on this project, I’m happy to speak to it in person.
Art Activity Framework
Some of the first sketches for the activities framework
ABCmouse Art Activities required an updated Admin Tool to manage Art Activities. The Admin Tool needed the ability to create and publish Puzzles, Dot-to-Dots, Paint By's, Paintings and Find It's activities. I created a document to address the framework which would house these admin tools.
Basic elements from a very high level were described, with an emphasis on the basic structure and how it can expand to accommodate somewhat ambiguous future enhancements for a variety of different activity tool types.
The purpose of this was to provide an introduction to the framework that will house all future activity admins; to be useful for tools—tucking and hiding palettes when needed. To keep the design as simple and extensible as possible...
Example of a high-level waterfall document:
example Art Activity using the framework
One of the challenges I solved in this particular tool was coordinating technical specs for the content design team and how this tool would consume a layered photoshop file with meta-data.
Phase 1 Implementation of the Activities Framework for Cutout Puzzles—still not complete but you can see how it was coming together:
Age of Learning implemented several activity tools based on Art Activity Framework. While my job required me to provide UX/UI, there were often areas in this job where I got to shine as a pure strategist, ux designer—I role that required a lot of detective work, countless interviews and research sessions, leadership & problem solving skills.